Playing in the Empire games 750 tournament this weekend.. my list is looking like:
x10 tactical
x5 sternguard w/ 2 plasma cannons
x5 sternguard w/ 2 lascannons
thunderfire cannon
I dont normally use kantor, but feel he should be a bit of a pain at the low point level. the Sternguard add both scoring units to the army, and some punch. Functioning like mini-devastator squads that can still kick an ass or three in close combat. Thunderfires are just piles of broken at 1500pts for 100 each, I cant imagine how retarded they are at half that points.
I considered dropping the lascannons for missile launchers which would allow one squad to get a power weapon.. But I think I'll stick with the lascannons for now. Picture update soon...
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
"In the darkness all men are equal, save those who embrace it."
So here we finally have the Ravenguard I've been promising. I themed the army around the 5th company (black) as I think the red or green rims stand out a bit much against the black armor. Plus with Captain Shrike being 3rd company, I wanted something a bit different.
Over the years I have found no matter how much work and effort I put into black, it all looks the same at 4' away. I can drybrush and wash it, or blend highlights till my nose bleeds.. And all the work is lost.
So with that being said, I went for a fast "table top" standard on these fellas. Drybrushing and some neat detailing was the order of the day. Since GW doesn't make a Ravenguard transfer, I had to hand paint the chapter badge. While not 100% exact, I feel its close enough to not be mistaken for who they are. I may do a tutorial if there is some demand.
Anyways, enough prattle. Onto the pictures:
First up is a simple black reach captain. I use him as a "counts as" Cato Sicarius. All I did was remove the bolter and some chest detail and add the plasma pistol. Backpack is from the pastic captain boxed set.

Next up is the Librarian Decimus. Yeah, I know.. Lousy joke.
Terminator armor/storm shield is a obvious choice. I will likely use use him with gate/vortex. Possibly subbing in vortex for null zone. Stock model with minor shield conversion work to make it fit.

Pair o' dreads. I did these fellas because 99% of the time when I use marines, I think Dreadnoughts tend to be a waste of points and effort. Which is a damn shame considering they are some of my favorite models ever. I always enjoy painting a couple and adding them to any marine army I'm working on. HOWEVER, since drop-pods beat so much ass, these fellas have found a home in my list. The multi-meltas and low points cost make for some handy turn 1 anti-tank. And usually tends to make people press their "oh shit" button.

Some wip scouts. I originally intended to use these with Captain Shrike to make for a nice 1-2 punch. Only conversion is the Sergeant, I added a power weapon for a simple weapon swap.

The assault marines were the first unit I painted for this army. I had the intention of infiltrating them with Shrike, but have moved onto Sicarius instead. They are a pretty cheap squad however, and may find their way into my lists at lower point games. White arms and helmets usually designates Captain, but I thought it looked really cool, so wanted more than 1 mini in my army with it. So the odd Vet Sgt. here and there will have it.

The mk6 corvus or "beakie" squad. In the old Ravenguard fluff, they supposedly have a boat load of mk6 armor available to them. To be honest, I really hate the helmet. I honestly avoid it whenever possible. But I felt it wasn't right to do the Ravens and not have at least a few guys with it.. So in my army this is the tactical squad I dont put in a pod. They baby sit my deployment zone and camp objectives. When Sicarius is in command, the squad has a lascannon, plasma gun and combi-plasma. The idea being if I need to give a squad tank-hunter.. Its going to be these lazy gits. The plasma cannon has since joined my Rhino Squad (not finished yet).

3 Tactical squads compliment the dread's for some hot drop pod action. Pretty basic, 2 with power weapons and one with a power fist. Drop, shoot bitches, dont die too fast is the usual objective. one is a standard tactical box, the other 2 squads come from the black reach set. Black reach sgt's have been converted to have power weapons

Sgt.Telion and his sniper's. I've had mixed sucess with this unit. Telion is godly, the snipers are meh. I went with brown camo-capes to somewhat match the desert basing. Telion's cape isn't finished yet. They dont often appear in my final list, but usually pop up in smaller point games where busting a cap in someone's sgt is oh-so-dick.

Pair o' Multi-meltas. These are usually swapped out for drop-pod tactical's missle launchers. I still need to paint one more. The melta gun and lascannon are also for swapping out in the above tacticals.

The handy dandy rhino. This is for the sicarius list.. My 5th tactical squad rides in it. It it armed with fist, flamer and plasma cannon. Ideal on the plasma cannnon being that its only 5 points. If I fire it, great. If not, the pos only cost me 5 points. This squad will typically recieve the Scout rule from sicarius if a turn 1 charge is possible or needed and I dont need tank hunter.

x5 Vanguard veterans (almost done)
x10 more tactical marines (not built)
x2 Iron-clads (built but not painted)
x4 more drop pods (built and primed, one finished)
Finish shrike
Hope you all enjoyed. Sorry for the horrible pics, black is a moderate whore to photograph when you dont know wtf you are doing.
Black primer
paint black
heavy drybrush with 50/50 black and codex grey
light drybrush with codex grey
paint all metal bits chainmail.
Then wash all metal and black all at once with badab black
add details and voila, instant ghetto ravenguard
Add squad numbers
So here we finally have the Ravenguard I've been promising. I themed the army around the 5th company (black) as I think the red or green rims stand out a bit much against the black armor. Plus with Captain Shrike being 3rd company, I wanted something a bit different.
Over the years I have found no matter how much work and effort I put into black, it all looks the same at 4' away. I can drybrush and wash it, or blend highlights till my nose bleeds.. And all the work is lost.
So with that being said, I went for a fast "table top" standard on these fellas. Drybrushing and some neat detailing was the order of the day. Since GW doesn't make a Ravenguard transfer, I had to hand paint the chapter badge. While not 100% exact, I feel its close enough to not be mistaken for who they are. I may do a tutorial if there is some demand.
Anyways, enough prattle. Onto the pictures:
First up is a simple black reach captain. I use him as a "counts as" Cato Sicarius. All I did was remove the bolter and some chest detail and add the plasma pistol. Backpack is from the pastic captain boxed set.
Next up is the Librarian Decimus. Yeah, I know.. Lousy joke.
Terminator armor/storm shield is a obvious choice. I will likely use use him with gate/vortex. Possibly subbing in vortex for null zone. Stock model with minor shield conversion work to make it fit.
Pair o' dreads. I did these fellas because 99% of the time when I use marines, I think Dreadnoughts tend to be a waste of points and effort. Which is a damn shame considering they are some of my favorite models ever. I always enjoy painting a couple and adding them to any marine army I'm working on. HOWEVER, since drop-pods beat so much ass, these fellas have found a home in my list. The multi-meltas and low points cost make for some handy turn 1 anti-tank. And usually tends to make people press their "oh shit" button.
Some wip scouts. I originally intended to use these with Captain Shrike to make for a nice 1-2 punch. Only conversion is the Sergeant, I added a power weapon for a simple weapon swap.
The assault marines were the first unit I painted for this army. I had the intention of infiltrating them with Shrike, but have moved onto Sicarius instead. They are a pretty cheap squad however, and may find their way into my lists at lower point games. White arms and helmets usually designates Captain, but I thought it looked really cool, so wanted more than 1 mini in my army with it. So the odd Vet Sgt. here and there will have it.
The mk6 corvus or "beakie" squad. In the old Ravenguard fluff, they supposedly have a boat load of mk6 armor available to them. To be honest, I really hate the helmet. I honestly avoid it whenever possible. But I felt it wasn't right to do the Ravens and not have at least a few guys with it.. So in my army this is the tactical squad I dont put in a pod. They baby sit my deployment zone and camp objectives. When Sicarius is in command, the squad has a lascannon, plasma gun and combi-plasma. The idea being if I need to give a squad tank-hunter.. Its going to be these lazy gits. The plasma cannon has since joined my Rhino Squad (not finished yet).
3 Tactical squads compliment the dread's for some hot drop pod action. Pretty basic, 2 with power weapons and one with a power fist. Drop, shoot bitches, dont die too fast is the usual objective. one is a standard tactical box, the other 2 squads come from the black reach set. Black reach sgt's have been converted to have power weapons
Sgt.Telion and his sniper's. I've had mixed sucess with this unit. Telion is godly, the snipers are meh. I went with brown camo-capes to somewhat match the desert basing. Telion's cape isn't finished yet. They dont often appear in my final list, but usually pop up in smaller point games where busting a cap in someone's sgt is oh-so-dick.
Pair o' Multi-meltas. These are usually swapped out for drop-pod tactical's missle launchers. I still need to paint one more. The melta gun and lascannon are also for swapping out in the above tacticals.
The handy dandy rhino. This is for the sicarius list.. My 5th tactical squad rides in it. It it armed with fist, flamer and plasma cannon. Ideal on the plasma cannnon being that its only 5 points. If I fire it, great. If not, the pos only cost me 5 points. This squad will typically recieve the Scout rule from sicarius if a turn 1 charge is possible or needed and I dont need tank hunter.
x5 Vanguard veterans (almost done)
x10 more tactical marines (not built)
x2 Iron-clads (built but not painted)
x4 more drop pods (built and primed, one finished)
Finish shrike
Hope you all enjoyed. Sorry for the horrible pics, black is a moderate whore to photograph when you dont know wtf you are doing.
Black primer
paint black
heavy drybrush with 50/50 black and codex grey
light drybrush with codex grey
paint all metal bits chainmail.
Then wash all metal and black all at once with badab black
add details and voila, instant ghetto ravenguard
Add squad numbers
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