Did the 500 point patrol tournament and Empire games this weekend.
I ended up taking:
x10 tactical marines w/ flamer, missile launcher and a power weapon
x10 tactical marines w/ flamer, missile launcher and a power weapon
x5 assault marines w/ power fist
Its been a while since I've played games this small. The scenarios were just randomly generated out of the rule book every round. I had a lot of fun, the games went quickly and all my opponents were cool folks.
I ended up winning all 3 games and took over-all. Thanks to Empire for hosting the tournament and everyone who showed up and participated. I look forward to the next 40k event held there..
Plus it was the first time my Ravenguard have been fielded at all.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wolf Time
I lied about Ravenguard being my next post as I just stumbled across these pics. Decent consolation prize I hope?
Ok, So I found ancient pictures of a Space Wolf army I did many, many moons ago. I think the year was 2002. I sold the army off after about a year of playing it, and it was one of the few I've ever sold that I truly regretted.
So here we go. This was my wolf-lord based on Logan Grimnar. Sadly, he never saw any action on the table-top.

Here are the two wolf-guard battle leaders that I used most of the time. One with frost blade, one with a power fist. Banners were the first time I ever attempted making a banner out of greenstuff, and my sculpt-jitsu was weak.

I went with a nod to Rogue trader era power fist painting. The hazard stripes were an idea of a friend which I promptly ripped off.

The army I commonly used featured a solid core of grey-hunters. Blood claws were all the rage at the time, so I wanted to shy away from them to avoid cries of cheese.

One squad had all their faces painted black wether or not they wore a helmet to act as a "squad marking" and would help myself and opponents identify members of different squads.

Another item of note was all the wolf pelts I painstakingly collected. This was before I could sculpt, or knew anything about casting. Before you could simply just order the bits. I haggled, bought, traded, stole, begged and borrowed for every wolf pelt over a period of about 2 years. Every model in the army wore one with the exception of my scouts and blood claws.

My favorite squad was probably the wolf scouts. They were nothing remarkable or special to look at.. But this squad kicked ten shades of shit out of most of the people I played against. Their rules were one of the reasons I began using this army in 3rd ed. I felt they were so brutal, I had to "dumb down" other aspects of my army just so I didnt piss off the people I played against.

A rune priest I dont think I ever got to use. Converted from Njall storm caller.

I usually used this guy as either a third wolf guard battle leader, a wolf guard leader, or a fella with mark of the wolfen.

The long fangs. I've always been a bit of a missile launcher whore with my devastator units. I ran out of wolf pelts on these guys and wanted to get them done for a tournament.

The predator every marine player either does or should own. The jury is out with it being good in 5th ed though.

The land raider. For when you just have to plonk something big and expensive on the table that says "HEY SHOOT ME ASSHOLE, I'M A BIG EFFIN MODEL THATS GENERALLY IMPOSING BUT TENDS TO NOT DO A WHOLE LOT. RAWR!!!!11"

Detail shot, and example of highlights.

And lastly, the poor unsung work-horse of any marine army I have ever owned or played.. The rhino(s).

The army was inspired by Bryan Shaw's. He did a shitload of free hand markings and unique insignia on his own wolves (which he also sold). That is also the friend I mentioned ripping off the hazard stripes from.
Next update: Ravenguard for real. Swear!
Ok, So I found ancient pictures of a Space Wolf army I did many, many moons ago. I think the year was 2002. I sold the army off after about a year of playing it, and it was one of the few I've ever sold that I truly regretted.
So here we go. This was my wolf-lord based on Logan Grimnar. Sadly, he never saw any action on the table-top.
Here are the two wolf-guard battle leaders that I used most of the time. One with frost blade, one with a power fist. Banners were the first time I ever attempted making a banner out of greenstuff, and my sculpt-jitsu was weak.
I went with a nod to Rogue trader era power fist painting. The hazard stripes were an idea of a friend which I promptly ripped off.
The army I commonly used featured a solid core of grey-hunters. Blood claws were all the rage at the time, so I wanted to shy away from them to avoid cries of cheese.
One squad had all their faces painted black wether or not they wore a helmet to act as a "squad marking" and would help myself and opponents identify members of different squads.
Another item of note was all the wolf pelts I painstakingly collected. This was before I could sculpt, or knew anything about casting. Before you could simply just order the bits. I haggled, bought, traded, stole, begged and borrowed for every wolf pelt over a period of about 2 years. Every model in the army wore one with the exception of my scouts and blood claws.
My favorite squad was probably the wolf scouts. They were nothing remarkable or special to look at.. But this squad kicked ten shades of shit out of most of the people I played against. Their rules were one of the reasons I began using this army in 3rd ed. I felt they were so brutal, I had to "dumb down" other aspects of my army just so I didnt piss off the people I played against.
A rune priest I dont think I ever got to use. Converted from Njall storm caller.
I usually used this guy as either a third wolf guard battle leader, a wolf guard leader, or a fella with mark of the wolfen.
The long fangs. I've always been a bit of a missile launcher whore with my devastator units. I ran out of wolf pelts on these guys and wanted to get them done for a tournament.
The predator every marine player either does or should own. The jury is out with it being good in 5th ed though.
The land raider. For when you just have to plonk something big and expensive on the table that says "HEY SHOOT ME ASSHOLE, I'M A BIG EFFIN MODEL THATS GENERALLY IMPOSING BUT TENDS TO NOT DO A WHOLE LOT. RAWR!!!!11"
Detail shot, and example of highlights.
And lastly, the poor unsung work-horse of any marine army I have ever owned or played.. The rhino(s).
The army was inspired by Bryan Shaw's. He did a shitload of free hand markings and unique insignia on his own wolves (which he also sold). That is also the friend I mentioned ripping off the hazard stripes from.
Next update: Ravenguard for real. Swear!
Ok, So truth be told.. I am a royally lazy bastard with updating blogs and/or taking pictures. A new camera popped up in the house recently, so updates shouldnt be so few and far between.
My apologies for the crappy quality pics. Its 5am and I really dont care to play around with the camera too much. Just felt like seeing how it might work out. So, here goes nothing. I forgot how unforgiving a camera can be on a up-close mini.
So, here are some random minis I've worked on or had laying around for a while. The majority of these were painted with speed and "table top" quality in mind.
First up is a Deathwing terminator I did for a multi-wing army. It is a lot of fun to play, but a pain in the balls to paint. I do each terminator one at a time, have one totally finished and a couple more about half-done.

Next is a Blood Angel Sgt I did some time ago. I was playing around with nmm, and I completely hate painting red. So this was more of a personal challenge and just messing around than anything else.

I had a semi-large raptors army a while back. I played the hell out of that army in local tournaments, the emperors champion and numerous pick-up games. I sold the army about 2 years back and have no pictures of it. But somehow this guy survived the sale. I think I intended to fold him into a smaller squad.

Another blood angel. I got excited at the prospect of doing an "air force" with troops being assault marines. They were always one of my favorite units to field with any marine army I've ever had. Unfortunately, my dislike of painting red meant I never got past this fella.

I enjoy painting Ultramarines quite a bit. I feel they lend themselves quite well to being highlighted. What I don't like about them is it seems every other swinging dick on the planet with a marine army does the Ultra's. I paint a few here, a few there. Maybe someday it'll be a complete army.. But I guess I feel no matter how nice I attempt to make them, they'll be "just another smurf army".

On my quest for something unique but known by other players, I got it in my head Blood Ravens would be cool thanks mostly to Dawn of War. The addition of foundation paints made it so painting red was much more tolerable, I just didnt feel very passionate about them. About a dozen models in, I lost interest.

A note on bases and chapter badges (or lack of). I tend to do all of these at the same time once all the painting on a army is complete. On the upside, it makes all the bases and badges consistant. On the downside, my stuff alway looks half assed and unfinished untill then.
I'm debating if I want to keep this stuff, sell all my old "project" off, or just strip them and fold them into a new project.
Next update: My nearly finished(!) Ravenguard army.
My apologies for the crappy quality pics. Its 5am and I really dont care to play around with the camera too much. Just felt like seeing how it might work out. So, here goes nothing. I forgot how unforgiving a camera can be on a up-close mini.
So, here are some random minis I've worked on or had laying around for a while. The majority of these were painted with speed and "table top" quality in mind.
First up is a Deathwing terminator I did for a multi-wing army. It is a lot of fun to play, but a pain in the balls to paint. I do each terminator one at a time, have one totally finished and a couple more about half-done.
Next is a Blood Angel Sgt I did some time ago. I was playing around with nmm, and I completely hate painting red. So this was more of a personal challenge and just messing around than anything else.
I had a semi-large raptors army a while back. I played the hell out of that army in local tournaments, the emperors champion and numerous pick-up games. I sold the army about 2 years back and have no pictures of it. But somehow this guy survived the sale. I think I intended to fold him into a smaller squad.
Another blood angel. I got excited at the prospect of doing an "air force" with troops being assault marines. They were always one of my favorite units to field with any marine army I've ever had. Unfortunately, my dislike of painting red meant I never got past this fella.
I enjoy painting Ultramarines quite a bit. I feel they lend themselves quite well to being highlighted. What I don't like about them is it seems every other swinging dick on the planet with a marine army does the Ultra's. I paint a few here, a few there. Maybe someday it'll be a complete army.. But I guess I feel no matter how nice I attempt to make them, they'll be "just another smurf army".
On my quest for something unique but known by other players, I got it in my head Blood Ravens would be cool thanks mostly to Dawn of War. The addition of foundation paints made it so painting red was much more tolerable, I just didnt feel very passionate about them. About a dozen models in, I lost interest.
A note on bases and chapter badges (or lack of). I tend to do all of these at the same time once all the painting on a army is complete. On the upside, it makes all the bases and badges consistant. On the downside, my stuff alway looks half assed and unfinished untill then.
I'm debating if I want to keep this stuff, sell all my old "project" off, or just strip them and fold them into a new project.
Next update: My nearly finished(!) Ravenguard army.
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