My apologies for the crappy quality pics. Its 5am and I really dont care to play around with the camera too much. Just felt like seeing how it might work out. So, here goes nothing. I forgot how unforgiving a camera can be on a up-close mini.
So, here are some random minis I've worked on or had laying around for a while. The majority of these were painted with speed and "table top" quality in mind.
First up is a Deathwing terminator I did for a multi-wing army. It is a lot of fun to play, but a pain in the balls to paint. I do each terminator one at a time, have one totally finished and a couple more about half-done.
Next is a Blood Angel Sgt I did some time ago. I was playing around with nmm, and I completely hate painting red. So this was more of a personal challenge and just messing around than anything else.
I had a semi-large raptors army a while back. I played the hell out of that army in local tournaments, the emperors champion and numerous pick-up games. I sold the army about 2 years back and have no pictures of it. But somehow this guy survived the sale. I think I intended to fold him into a smaller squad.
Another blood angel. I got excited at the prospect of doing an "air force" with troops being assault marines. They were always one of my favorite units to field with any marine army I've ever had. Unfortunately, my dislike of painting red meant I never got past this fella.
I enjoy painting Ultramarines quite a bit. I feel they lend themselves quite well to being highlighted. What I don't like about them is it seems every other swinging dick on the planet with a marine army does the Ultra's. I paint a few here, a few there. Maybe someday it'll be a complete army.. But I guess I feel no matter how nice I attempt to make them, they'll be "just another smurf army".
On my quest for something unique but known by other players, I got it in my head Blood Ravens would be cool thanks mostly to Dawn of War. The addition of foundation paints made it so painting red was much more tolerable, I just didnt feel very passionate about them. About a dozen models in, I lost interest.
A note on bases and chapter badges (or lack of). I tend to do all of these at the same time once all the painting on a army is complete. On the upside, it makes all the bases and badges consistant. On the downside, my stuff alway looks half assed and unfinished untill then.
I'm debating if I want to keep this stuff, sell all my old "project" off, or just strip them and fold them into a new project.
Next update: My nearly finished(!) Ravenguard army.
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