Sunday, June 29, 2008

Does this look infected?

Well I played in the Imperial Outpost goodbye to 4th edition tournament.

Here is my list:

x2 Demon prince, wings, lash

x2 units of 10 plague marines, champ w/fist, rhino, icon

x1 units of 8 plague marines, champ w/fist, rhino, icon

x6 units of 5 lesser demons

x2 dreadnoughts w/ twin lascannon

x1 predator w/ lascannons.

The list may seem unconventional in that I took no special weapons to keep the marines cheap, and several units of lesser demons. But it ended up working quite well. I wouldnt normally piss on dreadnoughts if they were on fire and firmly believe they are a complete waste of points, but that was 25opts worth of models I had laying around. I basically fielded them just to eat up points and see if they did anything cute.

The plague marines are most definately badass. They far exceeded my expectations. In 5th ed i would probably load them up with plasma guns for more punch, but I'm not convinced they really need it. The lesser demons were my MVP's of the tourney. They suprised every opponent, tied up units, got in the way, grabbed objectives and just generally were a pain in the ass.

I went 3-0. Scoring 17, 15 and 18 battle points for my games. Not bad for their first tournament. The list could use some fine tuning and I dont plan to keep all the vehicles/princes in fifth edition. I grabbed second place, and lost overall by a very small margin I hear. Better luck next time eh?

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