Monday, January 12, 2009

Empire 750pts tournament

Playing in the Empire games 750 tournament this weekend.. my list is looking like:

x10 tactical
x5 sternguard w/ 2 plasma cannons
x5 sternguard w/ 2 lascannons
thunderfire cannon

I dont normally use kantor, but feel he should be a bit of a pain at the low point level. the Sternguard add both scoring units to the army, and some punch. Functioning like mini-devastator squads that can still kick an ass or three in close combat. Thunderfires are just piles of broken at 1500pts for 100 each, I cant imagine how retarded they are at half that points.

I considered dropping the lascannons for missile launchers which would allow one squad to get a power weapon.. But I think I'll stick with the lascannons for now. Picture update soon...


Anonymous said...

where's my little man all painted?!

Ian Dimitri said...


I want to play in a tournament with the Chaos force I gave you in November to paint. When can I get them?

Let me know,
