So, I used to dabble in warmachine.. I painted up a Khador army a few years ago and I really enjoyed working on it. I lost iterest and sold off the army.
To this day I still enjoy painting Warmachine/Hordes stuff on commission for people. Recently, I did a dwarf mercenary army for my pal Charlie. Between this commission and my burn-out on local 40k tournaments, as well as the MKII rules, it was enough to spark my interest again.
So I decided to go with the new Retribution of Scyrah. Mainly because its completely new to me, I really like most of the models, and its a good excuse to paint some white. As Charlie described it: "That forest stormtrooper look".
When I built my Khador, I dove in feet first by trading and buying anything that half way interested me.. This time around I hit the books first, did some research and settled on an army I think would be fun to use before purchasing anything. The new tiered lists appealed to me, so I opted to go with one of those.
This is what I came up with for 35pts:
Adeptis Rahn
x2 Phoenix Heavy warjacks 14pts
x1 Arcanist (free)
x3 Units of Battle Mages 15pts
x3 Magisters 6pts
This list hit tier 3, so I got the Arcanist for free and th Mages/Magisters can move before the game starts if I want them to.
The army has the ability to move the other guys stuff around, which is good in just about any table top game you play. Pushing away models here, pulling them closer there, its always infuriating to be on the recieving end of that. While the list is basically just spamming a few units, it should be pretty versatile on the table. Either allowing me to go for a caster kill, or shove models around in a scenario. We'll see how it works out.
Last weekend at Empire games, I took first in their 40k tournament with my Blood Angels. With the credit won, I picked up a box of houseguard rifles and a soulless blister. The last purchases I want to make for the Rahn list is a unit of Houseguard Halberdiers with their unit attachment, another unit of Battle mages and a Chimera light jack. At that point, I will be able to run 50pts at tier4 with just about any variation I'd like. I'm not sure I'll collect much more than this, but a shooty army based around mage hunters does have some appeal as well.
Also, I'm casting my gaze twords Flames of War once again. I have a large British paratrooper army as well as a nearly complete Commando army. Perhaps I'll get into that again as well.
My only beef with these two games is competitive play doesn't happen nearly as often as 40k.. On one hand that makes tournaments exciting and special and I'm less likely to burn out, on the other hand it is hard to keep interested in between events since I generally dislike pickup games and leagues.
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