Wednesday, June 25, 2008

So I have finally caved and created a blog relating to my misadventures in nerd-land. I dont expect many people to read this, or glean tons of useful information. Maybe I can inspire some, give a laugh or help people out here and there.

I've found over the past 2 years or so, I find myself regularly checking the painting sections of various forums and following some people's blogs rather closely. I'm not entirely sure if its to find inspiration, to see if I can find some trick I hadn't thought of or for ideas to flat out rip-off because I'm lazy and cant be bothered to be creative (kidding).

I have been somewhat burned out on the hobby for a couple of years, but have still followed releases closely and kept up with new rules, codexes, white dwarf etc. Maybe the inspiration I was trying to find during the last 2 years or late night internet browsing wasn't required. Perhaps I just needed to take a shot and keeping track of what I do for others to check out..

So hopefully I can commit to this, stay motivated and update often.. And hopefully you, the reader find something you like.